Time Lord

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    Orginal is founded here

    tick tock! Since the Time Lord has died, the day lasts only 60 seconds and the night only 30 seconds!

    When the Time Lord dies, the day and night timers are significantly reduced. The day decreases by a total of 90 seconds so then only lasts 60 seconds and the night by 60 seconds then only lasts 30 seconds. The Time Lord is considered a Villager by the Seer and Oracle .

    The Time Lord has a hidden role, meaning that even the player who is Time Lord doesn't know their own role until they die or the Detectiveidentified them. Dying multiple Time Lords has no additional effect.

    Appearances in Gamemodes

    Gamemmode Required Players
    mad 22
    Aleatoire 21
    Rapidfire 10, 18

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