Wolf Shaman

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    You are a Wolf Shaman'. You can with  give totem<nick> select a player to receive a totem each night.  You can give yourself a totem, but you can't give a totem to the same player two nights in a row. If you  If you don't give the totem to anyone, it will be given to a random player. You can also kill a player with kill <nick>

    The Wolf Shaman is a wolf-side Shaman that distributes totems each night to further their evil goals. Each night, the wolf shaman will receive a random Totem to distribute. They are told what totem they have and what effects it has. For the totem to be awarded, use give totem <nick> in the PM. You can choose for yourself, but you may not give a totem to the same person multiple nights in a row. If they don't choose anyone, the totem will be given to a random person. Once the day ends, the channel is told who received a totem last night, but not which totem (only the wolf shaman knows which totem it was, not even the recipient is informed). See the Totem Wiki Page for a list of totems available to Wolf Shaman. In addition to their totem power, they can kill like any other wolf by using kill <nick> in PM. The Wolf Shaman can give a totem and kill in the same night. Shaman and a crazy shaman play this role when bitten by the Alpha Wolf.

    Appearances in Gamemodes

    Gamemode Required Players
    Lycan 10
    Mudkip 13
    Boreal 6,6,10,20
    Masquerade 16 (50% Chance)

    The Wolf shaman can also in Guardian appear when the Alpha Wolf bitten the Shaman.

    Game Mode Specific Modifications

    Some game modes change the type and frequency of totems that wolf shamans can obtain:

    • In Random Wolf Shaman can obtain any totem, but some are more common than others.
    • In Mudkip Wolf Shaman gains protection totems half the time and misdirection totems the other half.
    • In Boreal Wolf Shaman gains slightly different totems.

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