Wolf Mystic

    Aus IgameRPG Docu
    Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Wolfsmystiker und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

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    You are a Wolf Mystic.  Each night you guess the number of living good citizens who play a special role. You can use kill <nick> to kill someone

    The Wolf Mystic is told how many members with powers are against them each night. This includes all roles listed in the Village Team Roles excluding commoners and roles that steal wins such as Fool or Monster.
    You will receive the information immediately at the beginning of the night and will not be able to use it until the next night receive updated information when village team members die. The Wolf Mystic can kill like any other wolf.

    Appearances in Gamemodes

    Gamemode Required Players
    Novreveal 8

    Related Roles