wolf cub

    Aus IgameRPG Docu
    Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Wolfsjunges und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

    Orginal is founded here

    You are a wolf cub. While you can't kill anyone, if you die and get two kills the following night, the other wolves will get angry.

    The Wolf Cub has no inherent powers, but if it dies for any reason other than idle, the wolves will become enraged and may kill two targets the following night. To do this, the wolves use kill <nick1> [and] <nick2>. Should all other wolf roles die, all wolf cubs immediately turn into wolves. This occurs before Traitor transforms.

    Wolf Cubs are called Wolf by the Seer and Oracle and always die when shot by the Gunner.

    Appearances in Gamemodes

    Gamemodes Required Players
    Default 10
    Foolish 12
    Mad 17
    Aleatoire 21
    Rapidfire 8, 15