Author: Pistos Source:
The game is played in room #WSI
What is WSI?
"Who said that?" is a game of psychology and bluffing played by three or more people in a room. It's a Tcl script running under GameMaster (An Eggdrop).
sample game:
The game is best described with an example.
Let's look at a chat log showing a WSI game.
<Centurion> !wsi<GameMaster> [wsi] The topic is 'def'n: redound'. /msg GameMaster wsi <your submission> -- 40 seconds to submit.
Here we see how I start a game by typing !wsi in the channel.
The bot fulfills the requirements by starting a new game, giving a random topic,
with some instructions, what players should do next.
At this point, anyone who wants to play simply passes a message to
the bot by sending it a message privately. For example, I sent the bot a message with:
/msg GameMaster a red dog
HINWEIS: After submitting, the bot gives me a confirmation via private
-GameMaster- [wsi] Your submission has been accepted.
The important thing to understand is that there is no right or wrong answer.
This is not a quiz game. The topics are just there to stimulate thought
in your mind, but your use can be anything, even
something completely meaningless.
After 40 seconds, the bot will display all submissions,
and a list of people who submitted something.
<GameMaster> [wsi] Answering round over. /msg GameMaster wsi <submission number> <your nick guess> [<number> <nick> ...] <GameMaster> [wsi] 0 - a red dog <GameMaster> [wsi] 1 - viagra. <GameMaster> [wsi] 2 - it's a red dog, innit <GameMaster> [wsi] 3 - the sound of red <GameMaster> [wsi] 4 - we won't go there <GameMaster> [wsi] Submitters: Jayk Zenturion Mike Sven hive qu1j
Now each player with the submitted entries has to guess who they think
said which line.
For example, I thought this: Sven said "viagra".
Mike said: "it's a red dog, innit"
Jayk said "the sound of red"
qu1j said "we won't go there"
So I sent the bot a message with:
/msg GeoBot wsi 1 Sve 2 Mik 3 ja 4 qu
Then the bot gave me a confirmation of my suspicions:
-GameMaster- [wsi] Acknowledged: You think Sven said that. -GameMaster- [wsi] Acknowledged: You think Mike said that. -GameMaster- [wsi] Acknowledged: You think Jayk said that. -GameMaster- [wsi] Acknowledged: You think qu1j said that.
Note that you don't have to use full nicknames, just the first
letter or two. It's important to look out for the confirmation,
and to make sure the nick it recognizes is the one you meant!
Otherwise, your guess may be backed up with the wrong nick, or worse yet, not
recorded at all.
After all players have submitted their guesses (or a certain number of
time has elapsed in case some players are too slow), the bot
collects all guesses, counts the results and displays the results
<GameMaster> [wsi] Guessing round over. <GameMaster> [wsi] 'a red dog' - Zenturion ... Mike > Jaykul; Sven > Mike; Jayk > Zenturion; <GameMaster> [wsi] 'viagra.' - Sven ... Jayk > Sven; Zenturion > Sven; Mike > Sven; <GameMaster> [wsi] 'it's a red dog, innit' - qu1j0t3 ... Zenturion > Mike; Mike > Zenturion; Sven > Jayk; Jayk > qu1j; <GameMaster> [wsi] 'the sound of red' - Mike ... Sven > qu1j; Jayk > Mike; Zenturion > Jayk; <GameMaster> [wsi] 'we won't go there' - Jayk ... Zenturion > qu1j; Mike > Sven; Sven > Zenturion; <GameMaster> [wsi] Scoring: Zenturion: 0; Sven: -3; qu1j: -1; Mike: 0; Jayk: +4;
Scoring is simple: you get one point for each correct guess.
but you lose a point if someone guesses you.
Let's use my scoring as an example.
My contribution was "a red dog". Jayk guessed correctly that it was me who said that, so I lose a point (-1).
I guessed correctly that Sven said "viagra" so I get a point
for that (+1).
I thought Mike was the one who submitted "it's a red dog, innit".
but it was actually qu1j, so I don't get points for it
for that guess (0).
I also couldn't guess who said "the sound of red" correctly. No points for that, nor for my wrong assumption of "we won't go there".
Therefore, my total score is zero. (-1 + 1 = 0)
However, Jaykl scored very well (+4).
He correctly identified everyone else's statements and nobody guessed it
he said "we won't go there".
!wsi - starts the game