Translations:Version 2.4/5/en
- Changed portal items to only allow 8 per character per day. It resets at midnight (system time zone).
- Changed the way the system runs some timers to prevent an error in mIRC from ending the game.
- First round protection has been changed to include the Allied President.
- !count changed to work in a query message/private.
- Changed the THROW command to no longer allow trading exclusive items.
- !mytechs changed to show techs in a maroon color when you don't have enough HP to perform this technique.
- Changed the tech listing shop to show techs in a maroon color if you don't have enough base HP to use the tech at purchase.
- !reload battle level changed to not delete win streak from player file.
- !Save Battle Level Changed to no longer allow players to save win streaks that are more than 50 levels higher than their level.
- Slightly changed how the !speed' skill works. If more than 10,000 speeds are displayed, the formula will be changed to 10k + 1% of laps.
- !forging has been changed to not work in battles
- Changed the way redorbs are rewarded to people whose levels are much lower than the current battle streak.
If the streak is 1000+ levels higher than the current level, the orbs will be reduced to 1, Reduced 5% of total orbs.
If streak is 500-1000 levels, it is reduced to 2% of total orbs.
If streak is 100-500 levels higher, it is 4.5 % of Total Orbs. Players with a level above or within 100 will not be penalized. - Changed the battle list to show fleeing monsters/players in red for easier identification.
- The !create char' command has been changed a bit to make it a bit more efficient and hopefully prevent it from randomly stopping when it encounters a bad file.
- Ignitions have been changed so that multiple status effects can now occur per Ignition.
- Changed the display of elemental resists in the status bar to save space.