Translations:Erweiterte Bans/6/en

    Aus IgameRPG Docu

    Watch Table

    Banmode Name Description
    ~q ~quiet People matching these bans can join but cannot speak unless they have +v or higher.

    Example: +bb ~quiet:*!* ~quiet:nick*!*@*

    ~n ~nickchange People matching these bans cannot change nicks unless they have +v or higher.

    Example: +bb ~nickchange:*!*@*.uk ~nickchangen:nick*!*@*

    ~j ~join Users to whom this applies are not allowed to join the room. However, if they are already in the room, they can still talk, change nicks, etc.
    ~m ~msgbypass Bypass message restrictions. This extended ban is only available as a ban exception (+e) and not as a ban (+b).

    The syntax is: +e ~msgbypass:type:mask. Valid types are: "external" (Bypass +n), "censor" (Bypass +G), "moderated" (Bypass +m/+M), "color" (Bypass +S/+c), and "notice". (Bypass +T). Some examples: Allow an IP to bypass +m and +n: +e ~msgbypass:moderated:*!*@ +e ~msgbypass:external:*!*@ Allow the 'ColorBot' account to bypass color Limitations: +e ~msgbypass:color:~account:ColorBot

    ~f ~forward If a user meets the ban or other limits (eg +l/+k/etc), he will be redirected to the specified room.

    Example: +b ~forward:#badisp:*!*@*.isp.xx