Extended Bans

    Aus IgameRPG Docu
    Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite Erweiterte Bans und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

    With this function you have extended functions a ban and can set them specifically.

    These bans allow you to do bans based on things other than the traditional nick!user@hostmask

    For example, /MODE #chan +e ~account:SomeAccount can be used to add a ban.

    Group 1 time limit

    The following ban type can be used before any (ext)ban:

    +t | ~ time | Timed locks are automatically released by the server after the specified number of minutes. Example: +b ~time:3:*!*@hostname

    Group 2 Actions

    These ban types indicate which actions are affected by a ban.

    Watch Table

    Banmode Name Description
    ~q ~quiet People matching these bans can join but cannot speak unless they have +v or higher.

    Example: +bb ~quiet:*!*@blah.blah.com ~quiet:nick*!*@*

    ~n ~nickchange People matching these bans cannot change nicks unless they have +v or higher.

    Example: +bb ~nickchange:*!*@*.uk ~nickchangen:nick*!*@*

    ~j ~join Users to whom this applies are not allowed to join the room. However, if they are already in the room, they can still talk, change nicks, etc.
    ~m ~msgbypass Bypass message restrictions. This extended ban is only available as a ban exception (+e) and not as a ban (+b).

    The syntax is: +e ~msgbypass:type:mask. Valid types are: "external" (Bypass +n), "censor" (Bypass +G), "moderated" (Bypass +m/+M), "color" (Bypass +S/+c), and "notice". (Bypass +T). Some examples: Allow an IP to bypass +m and +n: +e ~msgbypass:moderated:*!*@ +e ~msgbypass:external:*!*@ Allow the 'ColorBot' account to bypass color Limitations: +e ~msgbypass:color:~account:ColorBot

    ~f ~forward If a user meets the ban or other limits (eg +l/+k/etc), he will be redirected to the specified room.

    Example: +b ~forward:#badisp:*!*@*.isp.xx

    Group 3 selectors

    These bantypes introduce new criteria that can be used:

    Banmode Name Description
    ~a ~account If a user is logged into services with that account name, this ban applies.

    Example: +e ~account:Name

    ~c ~channel If the user is in this room, they cannot join. A prefix can also be specified (+/%/@/&/~), which means it will only match if the user has those rights or higher on the specified Room.

    Example: +b ~channel:#lamers +e ~channel:@#trusted

    ~C ~country The GEOIP module attempts to map user IP addresses to a country code such as NL and US. This allows you to ban or exempt a user based on the two-letter country code.

    Example: +b ~country:NL +e ~country:NL

    ~O ~operclass If the user is an IRCop and is logged in with an oper block with a matching oper::operclass name, then it will match. This allows you to create rooms that only certain types of operators can join. Set +i and use +I.

    Example: +iI ~operclass:*admin*

    ~r ~realname If a user's real name matches this, they cannot join.

    Example: +b ~realname:*Stupid_bot_script* NOTE: An underscore ('_') matches both a space (' ') and an underscore ('_'), so this ban would match 'Stupid Bot Script v1.4'.

    ~G ~security If a user's security group matches this, they cannot join.

    Example: +b ~security::group:unknown-user

    ~S ~certfp If a user is using SSL/TLS with a client certificate, you can match the certificate's thumbprint (which you can see in /WHOIS). Good for prohibition and invitation exceptions. Example: +iI ~certfp:00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff..

    Group 4 Special

    These bantypes are special and don't fit anywhere else:

    Banmode Name Description
    ~T ~text Channel specific text filtering. Supports two actions: censor and block.

    Two examples: +b ~text:censor:*badword* and +b ~text:block:*something*

    ~p ~partmsg Hides partial/completion messages for matching users.

    Example: +b ~partmsg:*!*@*.isp.com

    St acking

    * You may stack 2nd group advanced locks with 3rd group.

    For example, +b ~quiet:~channel:#lamers would quiet all users who are also in #lamers.

    * Prohibitions from group 3 may also be used for invitation exceptions (+I),

    like +I ~channel:@#trusted and +I ~account:accountname.

    * You may precede each extended ban with a time limit (group 1),

    and any concatenation of Group 1 + Group 2 + Group 3: +b ~time:60:~join:~country:BD