Channel Modis

    Aus IgameRPG Docu
    Diese Seite ist eine übersetzte Version der Seite ChanModis und die Übersetzung ist zu 100 % abgeschlossen sowie aktuell.

    The room modes in chat.

    In our chat you can set many modes for your own room.

    These modes affect what you are allowed or not allowed to do in the room, what restrictions you have and much more.

    How do I set a room mode?

    To set certain modes, just write:

    /mode #Roomname +(modi)

    Replace the following parameters with your own data:

    • #Roomname = The room name always begins with a #
    • +(modi) = is to be replaced with + followed by the abbreviation of the mode (example for moderated +m) If you write +(m) this would be wrong.

    Which modes are there and what effect do they have?

    Using the following table with examples you can see what you would have to enter and what the modi does.

    Mode Description Command
    +v Gives a user a + (voice) in front of their nickname so they can write in moderate (+m) rooms /mode #Roomname +v nickname
    +h Gives a user a % in front of their nick. This gives them temporary halfop rights.

    Once again for a short explanation of HalfOps, it is a status between operator and voice, which controls some of the operator's functions, such as assigning voice, setting topics (if channel mode +t is active), kicking and banning.

    /mode #Roomname +h nickname
    +o Gives a user an @ (operator) in front of his nick so this temporary has OP rights /mode #Roomname +o nickname
    +q Gives a user ~ (Owner) in front of their nickname to name them temporary OWNER /mode #Roomname +q nickname
    +a Give a user & (admin) in front of their nickname to make them Temoraean admin /mode #Roomname +a nickname
    +b Ban nick!ident@userhost.example from the room. To get this host a /WHOIS nickname is required. There are also Extended Bans Ban nick!ident@userhost.example from the room. To get this host a /WHOIS nickname is required. There are also Extended Bans /mode #Roomname +b Testuser!
    +c Messages that contain color will be blocked. /mode #Roomname +c
    +C Disables /CTCP requests for the room /mode #Roomname +C
    +e Overwrites a previously set ban (+b) for the corresponding host.

    The user can then re-enter the room

    /mode #Roomname +e Testuser!
    +f Flood Protection für weitere infos sieheSee Flood Protection for more info CHMODEF /mode #Roomname +f params
    +G All bad words are replaced with <censored>. /mode #Roomanme +G
    +H Records history in minutes with Max Lines /mode #Roomname +h 10:5
    +i A user must be invited to enter the room /mode #Roomname +i
    +I A user with nick!ident@hostmask can enter this room without an invitation /mode #Roomname +I nick!ident@hostmask
    +k Sets a password for the room. /mode #Roomname +k kennwort
    +K The /KNOCK command is not allowed /mode #Roomname +K
    +L #Channnel Forwards the user to #Channel if the room is full. /mode #Roomname +L #Channel
    +l This sets a number of users. I.e. so many users may enter the room. /mode #Roomname +l zahl
    +m Set the room to moderated /mode #Roomname +m
    +M The user must be registered or have a + in front of their nick to post /mode #Roomname +M
    +N Changing nicknames with /nick nickname is not permitted in this room /mode #Roomname +N
    +n Users outside the room cannot send private messages to the room. /mode #Roomname +n
    +O IRC Operator Channel (can only be set by Irc operators) /mode #Roomname +O
    +p private Room. So it doesn't appear above /LIST /mode #Roomname +p
    +P permanent room. The room will not be destroyed if it is empty (settable by IRC operators) /mode #Roomname +P
    +Q No kicks (KICKS) are allowed /mode #Roomname +Q
    +R Only registered nicknames can enter the room /mode #Roomname +R
    +r The room has been registered (can only be set by ChatServices)
    +s Hidden Room /mode #Roomname +s
    +S Removes mIRC color codes /mode #Roomname +S
    +T No /NOTICE command can be used /mode #Roomname +T
    +t Only ~@&% users can change the theme /mode #Roomname +t
    +V /INVITE cannot be used. /mode #Roomname +V
    +z Only clients connected via SSL can enter the room. /mode #Roomname +z
    +Z All users of the room have a secure connection /mode #Roomname +Z