Known Bugs

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    As with every game ever made, there will always be bugs. These are the KNOWN bugs you shouldn't email me about right now.  

    Too many commands (crash)

    The system will occasionally crash if there are too many people executing too many commands at the same time (ie multiple people using the shop during a fight). I think this is probably a problem in mIRC and I can't do much about it.

    AoEs are used on too many monster floods

    Due to how the AOEs work in this game, if you use them on a large number of monsters, the system will spit out tons of text to the server. In this case, this server has flood protection and will kill the system due to flooding. The solution is to not have too many players and monsters in battle at the same time.

    Delay with multiple errors

    If the system lags and the person uses the same command over and over again, it could potentially corrupt the system. For example, if you attack a monster more than once. Although this shouldn't happen, sometimes the delay causes the command to be processed multiple times in a row. The only thing I can think of to fix this error is to find a way to not get lag and slow down players.

    Monsters randomly lose turns

    By the looks of it, monsters can very, very rarely lose their turn. I haven't figured out exactly why this is, but it doesn't seem to happen very often.