Translations:Version 4.1/6/en
- Tempest tech on Rudra+Agni has been changed to FireTempest to resolve a conflict that has existed for some time.
- Changed the command !mythic upgrade BasePower to allow multiple purchases with one command. Use !mythic upgrade BasePower #'
- Changed the damage reports for Normal Attacks and Technique Attacks to reflect the remaining HP of the monster.
- Changed the message at the start of a battle to show what item can be found on the battlefield when using Scavenge.
- The actual turn message was equipped with some information, it now shows the following:
-> The level of the opponent and the type if it is a monster otherwise for players only the level in front of the name,
-> The Attributes are announced STR DEF INT SPD
-> Whether or not you have a NaturalArmor. If so, the name and value will be announced
-> How many techniques can be used
-> The drops, skills, and status - When generating the monsters, it is now checked whether there is a SuperElite or Armored in the name and these monsters randomly receive a natural armor, which makes them difficult to defeat.
- The "FinalGetsuga" and "Merlin'sFinalSpell" techniques have been removed from the game. The CharacterResetPotion replaced them.
- Added a procendural value to the healthbar. Makes taming monsters easier.
- !mystats has been changed to show Pokemon stats as well.