Mythic Weapon

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    The Mythic Weapons

    Mythic Weapons are weapons whose properties you can customize and upgrade with a special currency called Odin Marks. Odin Marks are found by fighting cosmic battles.

    Use the !myodinMarks command to show how many Odin Marks you own.


    !mythic forge weapontype
    To create a Mystic Weapon Valid weapon types are: HandToHand, Sword, Whip, Gun, Rifle, Bow, Katana, Wand, Stave, Glyph, Spear, Scythe, GreatSword, GreatAxe, Axe, Dagger, Hammer.

    !mythic type <type>
    Costs 10 Odin Marks to change weapon type. Use with caution as all techniques will be lost.

    !mythic reset yes
    This will completely reset your Mystic Weapon. This will completely erase it and you will have to 100% start over.

    !mythic stats
    Displays information about the Mystic Weapon.

    !mythic upgrade Element type
    Mm set an item type for your Mystic Weapon. Valid types are: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, Lightning, Light, and Dark. "type" is to be replaced with the name of the element. Only one element can exist at a time. Purchasing another item will overwrite the current item.

    !mythic upgrade HurtEthereal
    Allows your Mystic Weapon to slay Ethereal monsters.

    !mythic upgrade BasePower
    !mythic upgrade Hits
    !mythic upgrade IgnoreDefense

    To increase the values of these options.

    !mythic tech add techname
    To add a technique to the Mystic Weapon. These can only have TEN techniques total. Valid techniques are all in-game techniques that you can buy through the shop (it must be paid for) and that you already know. If you need more, you can remove an old one first.

    !mythic tech remove techname
    Removes a technique from the Mystic Weapon

    upgrade cost

    +5 BasePower - 10 OdinMarks, this can be increased an unlimited number of times. Unlimited power!
    +1 Hit - 50 OdinMarks, 10 is the maximum number of hits.
    +1 IgnoreDefense - 20 OdinMarks, 100 is the maximum
    +HurtEthereal - 10 OdinMarks
    +Technique - 20 OdinMarks
    A New Elemet - 10 OdinMarks

    Mythic Stats

    These are the stats when you FIRST buy a mythical weapon:

    [Mythic Type Stave] [Mythic Level 1] [Mythic Base Power 100]
    [Mythic Element none] [Num of Hits 1] [Ignore Defense Amount 0] [Mythic Can Hurt Ethereal Monsters? no]
    [Mythic Techs none]

    These are the stats for a mythical weapon of HIGH LEVEL, here is an example:

    [Mythic Type Stave] [Mythic Level 380] [Mythic Base Power 9000]
    [Mythic Element Light] [Num of Hits 10] [Ignore Defense Amount 100] [Mythic Can Hurt Ethereal Monsters? true]
    [Mythic Techs CureVI, Curaja, Fira, Stonera, Watera, Aera, Blizzara, Thundara, DarkraIII, HolyIII]

    Keep in mind that the base power can be even higher. Will take thousands upon thousands of Odin Marks to get that to 9000 or higher.

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