Vigilante Member

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    Orginal is founded here

    You are a vigilante. Every night you can kill someone by using kill <nick>, or pass to not do so. If the person you kill is not a Wolf or Win Stealer, you will die next to your victim.

    Every night the vigilante can kill someone by using kill <nick> in PM, or pass in PM to skip if they don't want to kill that night . They should make sure they kill a Wolf Roles or a Roles that steals profits (Succubus, Demoniac or Monster, Piper or Fool or Jester), because otherwise the vigilante' itself will die. The wolf role is defined as any role that the village must kill in order to win. Roles such as Cultist, Minion, Sorcerer and other roles associated with the Wolf team do not count. Traitor doesn't count even if they haven't turned into a wolf yet.

    The Vigilante should take care to only kill targets that are necessary for the village's victory. If they don't, the village team effectively loses two members, both the vigilante and the person they are killing on. Be careful when killing the Cursed or anyone seen by the Detective or Augur if Amnesiacor Traitor is in play. In these situations, aiming at the player seen cannot be guaranteed to be safe.


    Appearances in Gamemodes

    Gamemodes Required Players
    Alpha 13
    Sleepy 12
    Guardian 23
    Masquerade 7 or 13

    Related Roles