Translations:Version 3.0/5/en
- Changed the !augment commands to work privately or in space.
- Changed the !augment list' command to show more augments when you have more than 30 weapon augments.
- Changed portal battles to have a level cap. Any player above the cap will be brought down to the cap.
- Changed the shop to allow players to see and purchase techs located on the left weapon.
- Changed the drops in the system so that players who give a final hit to a monster have a chance to get a drop (loot) from that monster if it's available. Default chance is 40% and can be increased with SpoilSeeker.
- Changed !myarmor code to show unwearable armor in red, +1 armor is in a darker blue, and +2 armor is in brighter blue to make it stand out.
- Lockpick skill changed to 3% per level instead of 2%
- Changed Evil Doppelgangers to generate correctly when the user is synced to the level.
- Changed chests so that red chests can never spawn mimics.
- Changed the THROW command so players can now give redorbs to specific NPCs. The command is /me throw # orbs to name Note that it only works on certain NPCs that need RedOrbs to become active in battle.
- The THROW command has been changed so that players in battle can only give items and orbs on their turn. Outside of combat, they can still do it.
- Changed the way the system selects NPCs so they can now have streak mins/maxs like monsters and bosses
- Changed the Inactive type monsters/NPCs so that they can have a custom description when they become active. In [descriptions] type Awaken= and desc
- The scoreboard.html file has been modified to include the player's level
- Changed drunk status to last 2 laps
- Changed the THROW message to hopefully show grammatically correct lines when specifying elements ending in y (e.g. Ruby). Note that when using the command, you still need to use the element name that's in the system (e.g. Ruby, not Rubies).
- Changed the way the system handles negative status effects on targets. When the player fights alone, most only last 1 turn.
- Changed the way the system runs all status timers to make it consistent and work correctly with the other status changes.
- Modifier checks have been changed to check for the weapon's name in addition to the rest
- Changed the way the system displays damage so that resisted damage is displayed in purple while increased damage is displayed in orange.
- Changed the way the system displays the "Battle Open" message to help players better understand what type of battle is coming up next.
- Allied President's save fight chance changed to 25% and streak reduced from 100 to 20. This is because the battle can only happen if the NPC is kidnapped and isn't truly random like it used to be.
- The generation of the president of the allied forces has been slightly changed (statistical)
- The chance of certain special boss types appearing has been slightly changed.
- Changed the way the system boosts portal monsters to hopefully keep them closer to the synced levels.
- Changed the way the system creates stats for monsters, NPCs, and summons when they are summoned to the battlefield.
- Changed the way HP increases for monsters/summons/NPCs/bosses at the start of battle.
- Demon Portals have been changed so that monsters spawning from them are slightly smaller than the Battle Streak.
- Changed the special bosses to have limited battles and different streak levels than previous versions.
- Changed the system owner's user (the first person in the game admin list) to 100 instead of 50.
- Techniques have been changed so that multiple items can be checked via a Tech's modifier adjustment
- Changed the messages between battles and open battles to include the mIRC identifier $duration . to use
- System changed to use version.ver for system and system.sql versions.
- Changed $return_winningstreak to work correctly with portal battles